News & Events
Deadlines and application dates approaching for School Open Enrollment outside the boundaries…
January 17, 2017Many parents are preparing for the opportunity to enroll their children at a school outside the boundary as new state law kicks in this year. The application deadline for most District Choice programs is January 27, 2017 and application for...
It’s NOT too Late for your child’s Flu Shot!
December 16, 2016Flu Shot Appointments are NOW AVAILABLE! Make your child's appointment Today! Fact Check: Flu Shot will be administered by pediatrician Dr. Medina after a quick health screening. SuperKids Pediatrics’ Flu vaccine stock is o non-preservative and single-dose version, and is offered to all...
Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease: What is it? What to do? When to go back to child care or school?
November 21, 2016We are facing a concerning rise in Hand-Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) with outbreaks already called in several cities in the South Eastern US. HFMD affects hundreds of thousands of Americans every year and is proven to be a very...
¡Vacuna Contra la Gripe AHORA DISPONIBLE en Palm Beach!
November 10, 2016La gripe viene cada año. A veces llega temprano en otoño, sorprendiendo a los Doctores, y otras veces, corre a través de la primavera con un pico de pacientes con fiebre. Acompáñanos a luchar contra la gripe y influenza esta...
Learn how to protect your child from the Cold and Flu Season!
November 10, 2016The Flu comes every year. Sometimes it peaks early, surprising doctors, and other times, it runs through spring with a spike of fevered patients. Let’s fight out this Cold and Flu Season! Colds are caused by common viruses that are spread...
SuperKids Halloween Safety Tips
October 25, 2016Let’s make Halloween 2016 the safest one on the book! Halloween is an exciting time of the year full of fun activities that provides a chance to give out healthy snacks, get physical activity, and focus on safety. Unfortunately, it...
Teal Pumpkin Project
October 20, 2016Help us by making sure all children will come home from trick-or-treating and Halloween events with something they can enjoy! It just takes one simple act: offering non-food treats to kids with food allergies as an alternative to candy. The Teal Pumpkin indicates...
Tips for Storing Breast Milk During Power Outage
October 4, 2016"Heeeelp! Power outage and loosing months of pumping stock!!" These screams for help from breastfeeding moms are all too familiar to me during bad weather. When my daughter was 5 months old and in the middle of getting back to...
Head Lice are Back to School too!
September 20, 2016Each year, in the United States, millions of children get infested with head lice. Though it can be very stressful, head lice don’t cause serious illness or carry any diseases. What are head lice? Lice are small wingless insects that measure 2-3...
Changes to the School’s Flu Vaccination Program.
August 24, 2016There are changes to the 2016-17 School's Flu Vaccination Program in Palm Beach as it moves to injectable (shot) administration at schools. We have received calls and messages from many of our patient’s parents expressing concerns regarding the Healthy Schools...