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SuperKids Halloween Safety Tips

October 30, 2019

Making Halloween 2019 a safe one!  Halloween is an exciting time of the year full of fun activities that provides a chance to give out healthy snacks, get physical activity, and focus on safety.  Unfortunately, it has also been, traditionally, a day where emergency and urgency centers receive an increase in volume of kid’s due to falls, allergic reactions, indigestion, traffic collisions and other injuries.  Here are great tips on how to help keep our kids safe while making it a fun and learning experience.

Before Hallowing:

  • Consider purchasing non-food treats. Click here to learn about the national Teal Pumpkin Project
  • Never let small children carve or cut a pumpkin by themselves.
  • Be sure to place candlelit pumpkins (use batteries candle like light if possible) in sturdy table, away from flammable objects like curtains, and never leave a lighted candlelit pumpkin unattended.
  • Remove any hazards from the front porch or yard, like hoses, toys, and lawn decoration.
  • Restrain pets so they do not have access to trick-or-treaters.
  • Test makeup ahead of time on a small patch of skin to ensure that there are no unpleasant reactions.
  • Make sure costume is the right size and it will not create trips, falls or contact with flammable or electric sources.
  • Look for flame resistant labels when shopping for costumes and accessories. Also, avoid any non-flexible swords or sticks.  Make sure all accessories are flexible to prevent your child and others from getting hurt if he/she stumbles or trips.
  • Purchase glow sticks and other reflective objects to alert drivers.

On Hallowing Day (and Weekend):

  • DRIVE EXTRA SAFELY ON HALLOWEEN! Slow down and be alert for children as they are excited and may be moving in unpredictable ways.  Give extra time for kids to cross at intersections, and be extremely careful on medians and curbs.
  • There may be distractions inside and outside the car regarding cool costumes and house decorations, but concentrate in safe driving as best as you can.

Getting ready to go out:

  • We stress the importance of a good meal prior to parties and trick-or-treating. Is not only a healthy advice but, also a way to discourage youngsters from filling up with unhealthy treats.
  • Remember to add reflective tape, stickers, glow sticks and flashlights with the intention to alert drivers and help kids see objects and hazards during the night.
  • Make sure masks, wigs and hats do not limit or block eyesight, and that any makeup you use is non-toxic.

During Trick-or-treating:

  • Children should always Trick or Treat with an Adult. Children should not be alone without adult supervision.
  • Stress the importance, with your kids, of crossing the streets using traffic signals at corners and crosswalks. Always look left and right for vehicles and keep looking without running while you cross a street.
  • Show kids how to make eye contact with drivers before crossing. Watch for cars that are turning or backing up.

After trick-or-treating:

  • Sort and check treats at home. Throw away any spoiled, unwrapped or suspicious items.
  • Try, as best as you can, to ration treats during Halloween and the weeks following Halloween. During this time, families, school friends and other sources like to give out treats, sometimes making the quantity overwhelming.

by:  Lizaida Medina Candelaria, MD FAAP


Lizaida Medina, MD FAAP

Dr. Medina is a Board Certified Pediatrician and an active member of the American Academy of Pediatrics and Palm Beach Pediatric Society.  Her office, SuperKids Pediatrics, is located in Palm Beach Gardens.

Ph. 561-619-2460 / /

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