News & Events
Tips for Storing Breast Milk During Power Outage
October 4, 2016"Heeeelp! Power outage and loosing months of pumping stock!!" These screams for help from breastfeeding moms are all too familiar to me during bad weather. When my daughter was 5 months old and in the middle of getting back to...
Head Lice are Back to School too!
September 20, 2016Each year, in the United States, millions of children get infested with head lice. Though it can be very stressful, head lice don’t cause serious illness or carry any diseases. What are head lice? Lice are small wingless insects that measure 2-3...
Dr. Medina’s 101 for the Back to school in Palm Beach!
August 3, 2016Sales tax-free days, changes in school start times, school requirements, Tips, and much more… Here are some great facts that will help us, parents in Palm Beach, get ready for the 2016-17 Back to School. Hope it helps! Don’t forget to...
Top 10 Safety Tips for Summer Camp 2016:
June 9, 2016Preparing in advance to Camps, or the new school year with a physical exam by a Pediatrician helps prepare for a safe and healthy experience for your child. Here are 10 tips to help prepare for Summer Camp: Before choosing...
10 Consejos para el Campamento de Verano de su Hijo:
June 6, 2016Antes de elegir un campamento, haga una evaluación de las habilidades, intereses y el bienestar de su hijo (emocional, mental y físico). Infórmese sobre los requisitos médicos de pre-admisión para los campistas y los servicios de salud que están...
¿Por qué un Examen Físico para el Campamento de Verano?
June 6, 2016El Campamento de Verano puede ser una gran e inolvidable experiencia para los niños, y el verano en Palm Beach, Florida, está llena de opciones cuando se trata del desarrollo de su hijo, tanto físico como emocional. Hay tres razones...
The 3 P’s for Water Safety Guide
May 31, 2016Check out Dr Medina's 3 P's Article for water safety tips featured on Page 8 of PB Parenting, June's issue! Safety must always come first! Enjoy and share with friends and family to spread the word out!
Seat Belts Work! See what happens if not wearing one… :(
May 17, 2016This FHP simulator shows exactly what can happen if your car rolls and you or your family aren't wearing seat belts... be safe!
SuperKids Pediatrics Open House 2016
April 13, 2016We had so much fun at SuperKids Pediatrics' Open House! Take a look at our event pictures here! Make sure to scroll all the way down to learn how to download your event pictures from Bill Barbosa Photography. To view event...
Well, Hello Palm Beach!!
February 5, 2016We are always updating this page with fun and interactive content. Stay tuned!